Social Media Advertising Should be a Part of Your Social Growth Strategy, but Do you Know The Right Strategy to Execute it?
Let’s start with defining what social media advertising means.
Social media advertising helps you promote your business, products, and services on your choice of social platforms with paidads. Using paid social, you can reach and retarget specific audiences and scale results much faster than organic social media efforts.
Here comes the pain point! Do you know how to come up with a paid social advertising strategy?
The most specific difference for paid sm advertising is the audience targeting capabilities. Confirming your advertising goals and KPIs for each channel is important to see the expected results. First, choose the social media platforms that appeal most to your target audience. Then, set your KPIs for your campaign and channel accordingly with your goals and try executing them. Building a funnel that leverages the platform’s objectives and ad formats is a must. Regardless of the platform of your choice, it’s always a good idea to create content for all stages of the funnel, which are, awareness, consideration, and conversion.
Lastly, you can start setting up your target audiences. The target audiences you choose should align with the funnel stage you’re advertising to and the offer you’re presenting. It means awareness audiences might be based on broad demographic targeting. Quick note: it’s becoming increasingly difficult for ad platforms to target audience activity on third-party sites and apps. As a result, it’s in your best interest to build audiences based on your own data (such as customer lists) or native data (such as profile engagement) Have you been using paid social media advertising? Let us know how it works for you in the comments. #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingagency #creativeagency #pinkocreative #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediaplatforms #socialmediachannels #socialmediacontent #paidadvertising #paidads #paidsocialmedia #socialmediadvertising #paidadvertisingstrategy #socialmediaplatforms #advertising #marketingandadvertising #targetaudience #marketingfunnels #kpis #growthstrategy